As a company, we firmly believe in the importance of handling all of our resources in a sustainable manner, from the kitchen through to our guest rooms and in the services we provide.
We are also awarded the following certificates:
Swisstainable Level II - engaged
Energy Agency for Industry certificate
PET-Recycling Umwelt certificate
We would like to draw your attention to the food waste concept we have introduced at the Bellini Locanda Ticinese restaurant. Please do your part to help us ensure that we use resources responsibly and avoid food waste. We make a conscious effort not to serve excessively large portions at lunchtime, but will happily provide a free “top-up” if you are still hungry. This helps us to prevent food from being thrown away unnecessarily.
Water is a precious commodity and one that we are blessed with in abundance in this area. We use it wisely and thereby show the environment the respect it deserves. Our water comes from springs, underground sources and lakes, and is safe to consume directly from the tap.
As a "gastro-partner" of the "Wasser für Wasser" non-profit organisation, we sell tap water alongside locally sourced branded water at a price we set ourselves. 100% of the income this generates is donated to WfW to support its projects in Africa. You can find out more about WfW here.
Environmental pollution affects us all, which is why we only change bedding and towels as needed. As a guest of our hotel, you can decide if and when you would like us to provide fresh bedding and towels. A special information card is displayed in every room to make things easy for you.
We have been using aquaclic shower heads since July 2017. These are fitted with an eight-litre-per-minute limiter (instead of 15-25 litres per minute). Please only shower for as long as is necessary and turn off the water while applying soap and other products.
Our hotel is fully air conditioned. Each room has its own thermostat. To support our environmental protection measures, room temperatures are set to a maximum of 8°C lower than the outside temperature, and no lower than 18°C (legal requirement). The air conditioning is switched off during the colder months.
We are doing our part to ensure that energy, water, detergents and linens are used as sparingly as possible. Our washing machines are fitted with an automatic dispensing system that uses the minimum amount of detergent.
Glass that cannot be returned is collected in special containers for recycling into new glass products. PET plastic is collected separately. Any other waste is incinerated. You can help us by leaving glass and PET bottles on the table in your room so that we do not have to retrieve them from the waste bin.
Paper and card are collected separately before being taken away for recycling.
Organic and green waste from the kitchen and withered floral arrangements are collected in green waste containers, which are emptied weekly. The green waste is composted to create new soil.
We are continuously working to optimise our energy usage across the hotel. Peaks in electricity usage are reached during the main service hours in the restaurant. In the kitchen, we use induction hobs to prevent excess heat from being generated that we would otherwise have to disperse. The ventilation system in the kitchen is controlled by sensors and adjusts in line with the volume of emissions in the air.
Unavoidable kitchen waste is recycled by a certified company in an environmentally friendly manner. It is used to create green electricity and biodiesel.
We are proud to be part of the OK:GO initiative. By participating, we provide transparent information on the accessibility of our offers to make it easier for people with mobility impairments, senior citizens and families with pushchairs to plan their trips. In this way, we are making a contribution to barrier-free and inclusive tourism in Switzerland.